Saturday, February 28, 2009

Anabantoids Fish:Betta fish(Siamese Fighting Fish)

Native to parts of Africa and southern Asia, Anabantoids are medium-sized,freshwater fishes. One of them, the Siamese Fighting Fish and we called betta fish, is known the world over for its pugnacity towards rival males, and for the wagers such human-arranged battles command. In contrast,many other fishes in this family,the Gouramis in particular, are noted for their peaceful behaviour. However, even these species can become very aggresive at breeding times.

All Anabantoids can breathe atmospheric oxygen in the event of their natural waters becoming oxygen-depleted or otherwise polluted. They do so by means of a special organ located in the head just behind the gills. This organ is constructed like a maze or labyrinth. Atmospheric air is trapped in the many folds and is then absorbed into the fish's bloodstream. For this reason, Anabantoids are known to some fish-keepers as Labyrinth fishes.

During the breeding period, the majority of male Anabantoid fishes build bubble-nest. They entice their mates under these and induce them to lay their eggs by gicing them a spawning embrace. The eggs are immediately fertilized and placed in the nest by the male who guards them and the subsequent fry againts allcomers, regardless of size. You won't find Anabantoids difficult to breed in the aquarium but, unfortunately, raising the fry is more problematical because of their tiny size.

Anabantoids Fish:Betta fish(Siamese Fighting Fish)

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